The Weekend Menu

Let's Start with Why

Welcome to the latest edition of The Weekend Menu!

A popular writer says that one should “Start with Why.” So let’s give that a shot.

Why are we taking on the challenge of starting a business when we have five little kids at home, and I have full time job that I very much enjoy?

The short answer is that we want to share the joy of cooking (actual joy, not just the cookbook.) My granny taught me that cooking is a beautiful way to show love for your family and friends. Food has this amazing ability to bring us closer together, and there is something about using the right tool for the job that makes that experience even better.

I love getting to use tools that my grandfather used before me, and I love knowing that I can pass those same tools down to future generations.

Our aim is to make stuff that you can enjoy in that same way. Something that you can take pride in and know that it will be put to good use for years and years to come.

Thanks for being part of the SLGW community and hope you enjoy these emails. If you know someone else that would also enjoy them, do us a solid and pass it along. We appreciate you.

Here are a few things worth checking out:

  1. That’s a Tasty Burger — Oklahoma Onion Burgers are popular around our house…at least among those who are over age eight.

  2. Julia Child Remixed — just for fun. Bob Ross Remixed is also quite good.

  3. Questions Worth Asking — I’m a fan of Tim Ferris’s work and have found these questions helpful when reflecting on how things are going.

  4. “Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and glass of good wine.” - St. Thomas Aquinas

Thanks again for being part of the SLGW community!

