The Weekend Menu

Beer and Cheese

Welcome to the latest installment of The Weekend Menu, presented by St. Lawrence Grill Works.

It’s August, it’s hot, and there are only a few weekends left before the back to school routine starts up again. This is prime time to cash in some PTO and go have some fun. Go catch a ball game, check out a state park or enjoy some time in the pool. Before you know it the season will be over, so make the most of the time you’ve got.

We want to say thank you to all of you that have subscribed to the newsletter. Hope that you’re enjoying the content each week. As our new business is just getting started, it really helps to get the word out to as many people as possible. So if spirit moves you, please forward this email on to a friend. If you were forwarded this email, please subscribe!

Here are a few things worth checking out:

  1. Get a Green Thumb — While it’s not quite time to start planting a garden or orchard, since it’s blazing hot outside, it’s not too early to start planning one. This online nursery can make starting a garden easier. They make suggestions for plants and trees based on your location and will send you the items you ordered only when it is time to plant them.

  2. Best Brewery Near Every MLB Stadium — In case you want to try something other than “Ice Cold!” (and over priced) beer at the stadium next time you go to a game.

  3. Queso — This has been my go to recipe for making great cheese dip. Yes, you are reading that correctly, it calls for cream cheese. The only adjustment I would suggest is to use fresh pico de gallo instead of Rotel. I promise it’s worth trying.

  4. “I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I ever wanted.“ -Kevin Malone, The Office

Globe Life Park — Arlington, TX
