The Weekend Menu

If Music Be the Food of Love

Welcome to the latest edition of The Weekend Menu, presented by St. Lawrence Grill Works.

We are continuing to work with our manufacturing partners to get things built out just right. It’s an exciting process and one that is worth taking time to get right.

Here are a few things worth checking out

  1. How music impacts the taste of food — Turns out that adjusting your playlist can help improve how your cooking is perceived.

  2. Wood fired pizza — This video has inspired some recent experiments with cooking pizza on the grill.

  3. Pizza dough — If you’re feeling the pull to make pizza at home, the dough is probably the most intimidating aspect. With a little patience and some practice though you can get the hang of it. Should things not go well, Trader Joe’s and Aldi can also hook you up with a dough ball.

  4. “Every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself.” —Bill Murray

Thanks for being part of the St. Lawrence Grill Works community. We appreciate you!
